Recognize Greatness:

Order Eventex Trophies

Inspire greatness achievements with Eventex trophies. Elevate your honor outstanding contributions with our premium awards. Order now and celebrate success in style!

Platinum and Gold award winners
Take a free trophy included in their winner package. However they are no longer sent by default to the winners and need to be requested through message.
*Use the promo code sent to your email.
Silver, Bronze and People’s Choice award winners
Are able to order them additionally through this form.
order trophy
Trophy Pricing
The trophy price is 350 EUR per unit (excluding VAT). The price covers the trophy, delivery to the address you choose.
Delivery time
Sustainable Materials
Crafted from recycled materials, Eventex trophies show our care for nature while reducing waste.
Earth Conservation
Eventex trophies symbolize our dedication to preserving the environment, inspiring individuals to a greener future.
Nature-Inspired Design
The trophy designs promote sustainability and evoke pride in eco-conscious choices by celebrating nature's beauty.

Make an order 📦

The form is only related to the number of the trophies you want to order. 
After you complete your order and process the payment, you will receive a unique link and a PIN to enter and submit the information about each trophy. 

Select amount of trophies
People choice Award
Have promo code ?
Final Price
The price includes production, packinging and delivery right to your office and excluding VAT.
760 EUR
2 x 380 EUR

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